What We Do
Parkinson’s is not only a curable syndrome, it is one that, in most cases, can be reversed at home – a do-it-yourself recovery project.
Since 1998, the Parkinson’s Recovery Project has been dedicated to making available, for free, our research on treating Parkinson’s disease using theories and treatments based on principles that link modern neurology and Chinese medicine’s electrical theories.
The free information available on this website consists of four full-length books plus the introductory material on this website.

The first website offering of the Parkinson’s Recovery Project was an eighty page report on the unexpected recovery of three Parkinson’s patients. The three had all exhibited backward-flowing sections of electrical circuitry in their legs, circuitry known as “channels” in Chinese medicine. Hands-on, “light touch” massage-type treatments corrected the childhood foot injuries that were holding these backward-flowing currents in place. Oddly enough, when the current flow was corrected, the Parkinson’s symptoms disappeared.
This unexpected result led to a research program that has now, in 2020, been running for over twenty-two years, and which has seen many people – some with diagnoses confirmed by multiple neurologists – completely recover from Parkinson’s disease. Although the first few patients responded to treatment for foot injuries, we learned that PD from foot injury was only one of four ways that symptoms of Parkinson’s can be set in motion. Different treatments are required for each of the four ways that Parkinson’s can be activated.
The Parkinson’s Recovery Project has sponsored several Parkinson’s-related research projects: projects in which people with Parkinson’s have been treated for free either by interns of Chinese medicine or in private practice of licensed acupucturists.
For four years, from 1998 to 2002, we offered a free clinic for treating people with Parkinson’s disease. The free clinic was under the auspices of Five Branches Institute, an acupuncture college in Santa Cruz, California. Another research projects was a collaboration with the HeartMath Institute: we used heart and brain-wave coherence monitors developed by the HeartMath institute. We discovered, to our dismay, that use of these devices actually worsened the symptoms of people with Parkinson’s. While this, and many other avenues did not lead, immediately, to the results we were looking for – the fastest possible means of recovery – they ultimately did lead us to an even better understanding of the underlying causes of Parkinson’s disease, and helped us uncover the four underlying causes for Parkinson’s.
For fifteen years, from 1998 to 2013, we coordinated with the Parkinson’s Treatment Team, a group of acupuncturists in Santa Cruz that worked with hundreds of people with Parkinson’s. The Treatment Team members are now retired, but the information acquired during that time has been enormously helpful.
The future
While it may take more than twenty years (the norm for paradigm-shifting research) before our findings even begin to be accepted by the greater medical community, we feel that this information is significant for individuals with Parkinson’s even if it is not yet on the radar of western medicine’s “Standard of Care.” We therefore wish to make it as available as possible to the general public.
Looking ahead
We hope to publicize our findings on a larger scale, when funding makes that possible.
Another goal is raising enough money to buy better placement with search engines on the web so that our site can appear near the top when people do a search for “Parkinson’s disease.” We serve as a collection site for correspondences from people who have recovered from Parkinson’s disease. Hopefully, these reports will be written up someday and published, adding to the data.
We are often asked for translations into foreign languages. We hope someday to be able to afford professional translations into as many languages as possible.
Since 1998, the Parkinson’s Recovery Project is incorporated in the state of California. Our non-profit (NGO) status has been approved by the United States Internal Revenue Service. Our board of directors includes doctoral level and master’s level professors of Chinese medicine, Tui Na therapists, and licensed acupuncturists familiar with the somewhat obscure channel theory that was used to figure out how to terminate Parkinson’s disease.
Donations to the Parkinson’s Recovery Project are tax-deductible. Your donations provide for the upkeep of this website and the further promotion of our findings.