This website has several ways to share the information needed to correct the electrical current flow and terminate Parkinson’s disease.
Free Downloads
1. The main way to access the information is through books that have been made available for free download. The most important of the four books available for free download is Recovery from Parkinson’s, by Dr. Janice Hadlock, DAOM, Lac. The other three books have auxiliary information that might be needed in order to recover. Which auxiliary book is needed depends on which of the four types of idiopathic Parkinson’s a person has. How to determine which type of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease a person has is explained in Recovery from Parkinson’s. Dr. Hadlock is the pre-eminent researcher of Parkinson’s disease in the international community of Asian medicine. She has been publishing her findings about Parkinson’s in peer-reviewed journals of Asian medicine since 1999. Her commentary on levodopa research was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, a western-medicine journal, in 2005.
There Is No Risk
2. If the first-time visitor to this site feels reluctant to download an entire book without knowing a little more about the Parkinson’s Recovery Project, the first chapter of Recovery from Parkinson’s is presented here. If the information in this chapter piques your curiosity, then go ahead and download the book Recovery from Parkinson’s. There is no risk: we do not track the people who visit the website, and we do not use “cookies” to obtain information about site visitors.
Video Is Available
3. For those site visitors who would prefer a quick audio-visual explanation of the most current Asian-medicine research on Parkinson’s disease, a YouTube video is available. This video was not made expressly for this website. It was recorded as a zoom lecture, a part of the book launch for the 2020 edition of Recovery From Parkinson’s. The video addresses the most common questions of both people with Parkinson’s and health practitioners who want to learn more about how they can help their Parkinson’s patients. The bookstore that hosted the internationally attended, free zoom lecture has generously made the video available to the Parkinson’ Recovery Project. The Project has converted the video to a YouTube.

If you, a loved one, or a patient of yours has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, please peruse the information on this website or the video. For some quick answers to frequently asked questions, you can click on the Questions link. If the introductory material makes sense to you, download the free books and learn more about Parkinson’s disease and how a person can go about recovering from it.
For most people, recovery is a do-it-yourself project and does not require the help of a health professional. The books on this website are your guide to recovery.
The Parkinson’s Recovery Project is a non-profit (NGO) corporation, founded in 1998. It relies completely on donations to maintain the website and pay for the operations of the Project.